Saturday, May 9, 2020


Love them kindly and be gentle, for they are your weaker half

Absolutely not

Show grace and speak humbly, because that is all they can take

I refuse

Be chivalrous and show valor in your love, because she needs a knight in shining armor

I would sooner ridicule

Have you ever behind closed doors
Where the room reeks of testosterone and axe body spray
Where good intentions and twisted curiosity are overwhelming
Have you heard the phrase
Or something like it

"Love and honor the women in your life
For they are the weaker sex
They cannot handle our true nature"

Have you heard of the fear of God?

I would guess when you heard the phrase
"Weaker sex"
You puffed out a little

You thought of the women in your life

Your desire for them

You can stomach the idea of honoring them if it's all they can handle

They are wonderful women!
Don't misunderstand!
They're watching your children so you can learn about how to better love them, after all
They are the kind of women who deserve a good man

A man like you

Don't kid yourselves

I have seen the way you watch her like a wolf watches a young doe
It's much different than the way you look at your wife

Have you considered the word?

A knight
In shining armor
Kneels in the presence of his queen

I know how what I'm saying makes you feel inside
A small, cowardly voice protests and demands respect

How long did you hold your screaming infant child before angrily thrusting them back at their bleary-eyed mother?

How often did you walk through the door disappointed that no meal had yet been made for you?
How often do you wonder why you came to expect that?

How many times have you pushed a bowling ball through the end of yourself and then a few months later thought, "Yea, I could do that again"

How often, like Adam in the garden, have you pointed the finger and thought
"SHE's the problem!
If she would focus less on the kids and more on me, I would be happy!
If she would be ok with getting down a little more often I wouldn't be so grumpy all the time!"

Have you heard of the fear of God?

In a patriarchal society
God chose Ruth to carry on the holy lineage
Esther to save his chosen people
Deborah to lead them
Mother Mary to birth Him(you know He didn't need to be born, right?)
The woman at the well to proclaim His mission
And Mary Magdalene to witness His resurrection

Make no mistake
These events are far from coincidence

Have you heard of the fear of God?

The one you call Lord

Kneels in the presence of His daughters

Do not love the weaker sex

Honor your better half
Your queen
Your empress


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