The book of love is long and boring. Peter Gabriel wrote that. I like to think that if I ever meet Peter Gabriel I will slap him in the face, call him an idiot, and politely ask that he never attempt to write his own lyrics ever again. And for the sake of the millions who can't stand him I'll also tell him to give up his musical career...but only if I feel like it.
Of course with my luck I won't get to meet the ancient fellow before he passes. Then again, he'll probably die of a drug overdose--and if you think that's a little pretentious then feel free to show me a musician who HASN'T died of a drug overdose in the past several decades.
However we must return to the main topic of this spiel before I forget exactly what it is in the first place.
The topic of this spiel is love, believe it or not(There must be some kind of record for going off topic right at the very beginning of a meaningless paper. If there is I've won it. Multiple times).
The reason I find Peter Gabriel to be an idiot in concordance with that particular line is because he couldn't be more wrong. Anyone who has ever experienced real, compassionate, unending, caring, patient and understanding love will tell you that love is anything but boring. Especially those who have experienced the kind of love a random stranger gives when they lend a hand without even being asked. Or the kind of love a songwriter has with their music and instruments, or an artist with their brush. Love is not boring to a 90 year old man who hardly has the strength to wake up in the morning, but still has the ability to muster a smile for his wife who he still finds beautiful with or without the countless wrinkles. Love is not boring to a woman who comes home every year to a different surprise from the man who never forgets their anniversary.
Anyone who has experienced real, pure love will tell you that there is never a dull moment in their lives, and that the book of love isn't long by any means; it actually never ends.
Unfortunately, the few who have experienced real love are too busy being loved and loving others so they don't have time to write on and on about the wonderful experiences they have. I have yet to experience real love, but I have done my best to demonstrate it to others, and I hope that you will do the same as I will continue to do so.
However, this is not the book of love, so it does have an ending. I think I'll put it here.