As some of you may know, I won the literary award at graduation this year, and it came totally unexpected to me. I had applied for the award and a couple others, but didn't really expect to get anything because of the letter I had included. Apparently, the literary award requires a letter explaining why I am eligible for the award, and the letter that I included with my awards applications(not intended to go with the literary award) earned me the literary award...which I thought was pretty awesome. Anyway, this is the letter, enjoy!
To Whom it May Concern,
As I sit here and fill out this award application sheet, I cannot help but have thoughts and subsequently have the urge to write down said thoughts and share them with yourself; the application reviewer.
These thoughts entail many things, some to do with unicorns prancing on clouds, some with infamous heros robbing large banks, and others with soaring around in the sky wearing blue tights and red underwear cleverly placed outside of my pants to appear as some sort of, “costume”. These are, of course, trivial thoughts, but the main thought on my mind is more related to the subject of this green, leafy package of paper lying—blank--on the table before me.
My mind is in a turmoil as I stare at this package, and for a while I couldn't understand exactly why I was so unsettled by this seemingly harmless bundle of colourful papers. Then the thought struck me—which is when I started writing this letter which you—the one whom it concerns—are now reading intently—I hope.
The thought that struck me left me feeling quite out of sorts for a moment, and I fear it might have left a bruise on the spot it struck. Then I let it sink in and register—with the Isaac Golle's Brain Board of Directors of course—and I came to understand that I was upset with the awards listed within this little green package of paper. Don't get me wrong, they're all wonderful awards, and congratulations to any and every person who is fortunate enough to receive one. However the better part of my somewhat crazy and artistic conscience cannot seem to settle with the fact that the only award even closely related to video production skill/ability is a generalized visual art award. There seems to be no specific award for each of the visual arts, but rather a generalized award. One would think this to be quite an acceptable issue, but how does that one go about deciding if this amazing video creator is better than this painter? The two are quite different subjects and differently judged, and so it brings to question in even the craziest mind that something is amuck.
I was going to end on that note, but my mind had yet another sort of, “fart” if you will(keep in mind it is not the sort of commonly-known fart which may have been the first thing to come to your mind, but be assured my noggin did not pass wind in any way shape or form. Rather, it is more of a figure of speech). My mind reminded me—at a very low price—that almost all of the awards listed on this listless green paper are only available if the chosen recipient plans to take part in some form of post-secondary education related to their award.
Most would find this to be a perfectly reasonable requirement, and I did as well, when my mind again went on a joyride and proceeded to persuade me—in a most persuasive manner—to rethink my acceptance of this requirement. To think: a thinking tool telling me to think. What a thought.
Getting back to the third segment of the original thought, I couldn't help but think—because my brain was telling me to do so in a most persuasive manner as you might remember—that perhaps a student is the best candidate for the award for visual arts—or any other award for that matter—and yet they cannot receive it simply because they are not planning on being affiliated with any post-secondary organizations in any way.
On the final note of the latter thought, I finally managed to get a word of my own in, and my thoughts and I decided that we would like to have an award entitled, “The Freelancing Artist's Award”. The only requirements of the award would be that the recipient is in fact not planning on attending any form of post-secondary education for the journey of their career, but either plans on travelling and using their talent along the way(videographer making a documentary) or acting as an independent artist for the rest of their life. My thoughts and I also think we would like to have an award for the writers. We realize there is an english award listed on the bundle of green papers, but we think it would be just wonderful if there would be an award for aspiring author's, poets, and novelists.
At this point my brain became exhausted and refused to offer anymore of it's time and intelligence to the wonderful conversation we had been engaged in, and left me to finish this letter on my own.
It took me quite a while to come up with anything on my own—my brain being the main source of my creativity and writing abilities—but I figured it would probably be good to ask if there is any way to go about donating and possibly sponsoring an award for the two mentioned in this letter. If you can help me go about this feel free to contact me(information included at the end of the letter) I also figured it would be good to inform you of my personal plans after high school—it would probably make more sense as to why this topic is such an issue for me.
I plan on taking at least two years off: one to work and save up money for a roadtrip. The second year will be spent going on that roadtrip and filming a documentary(still going through several ideas and trying to pick a final one...or even combine them all!). After this roadtrip is finished I will edit and produce the documentary, entering it in as many film festivals as possible. If nothing happens and my video receives no awards or recognition and doesn't help me start my career in the film industry, then I will apply for the film production course at Vancouver Film School and hope that that helps me get my career started. If nothing works, then I would be perfectly content living in a one-bedroom studio apartment and having a day job while filming as a hobby/small business for the rest of my life.
These are the full and final thoughts of Isaac James Golle on the topic of Academic Awards and the like.
Isaac James Golle
Phone: (705)-732-1512